

How to Use Recycled Items to Decorate Your Home

Image via Pixabay Buying home furnishings and decorations can be expensive, but with some old items around the house and a little innovation, you can make one-of-a-kind decorations that are cheap and unique. The best part of DIY décor? It’s environmentally friendly too! Learn how to give life to 7 items you may have thrown [...]

By |December 6th, 2016|Waste Management|0 Comments

How to Reduce Your Holiday Waste

  Image via Flickr The holiday season is all about coming together with family and friends to share food, laughs, and unforgettable moments, but we shouldn’t be filling landfills as we fill our stomachs! According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), American consumers waste up to one-fifth of the food that is available [...]

By |December 6th, 2016|Waste Management|0 Comments

Working Hard and Going Green: 5 Ways to Recycle at Work

Recycling is one of the easiest (and best) ways to help the environment. Cutting into the more than 63 thousand truckloads of garbage Americans produce per day is simple to do at home, but it may not be so easy during the chaos of the workday. However, these five tips will help make recycling at [...]

By |December 6th, 2016|Waste Management|0 Comments

4 Tips to Recycle Better

Since childhood, we have heard the phrase “recycle” over and over again. We all know recycling is important, however, recycling more isn’t always as effective as recycling better. Here are some tips for becoming a better recycler, so that you are able to make a bigger difference for our environment and your community. 1. Reduce [...]

By |July 28th, 2016|Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Recycle E-Waste

Electronic Waste, or E-waste, is not something that can simply be tossed into the regular weekly garbage or into a dumpster. You need to make sure that you dispose of it properly, so that it does not harm the environment. If you have some old electronics that you need to dispose of, and want to [...]

By |May 13th, 2016|Waste Management|0 Comments

6 Ways to Reduce Your Waste

The United States throws out roughly 63,000 truck loads of garbage per day. According to, here is the approximate amount of time the following items take to decompose when not recycled: Glass Bottles: 1 million years Plastic Bottles: 450 years Plastic Bags: 10-20 years Disposable Diapers: 550 years Aluminum Cans: 80-200 years Cigarette Butts: [...]

By |April 27th, 2016|Waste Management|0 Comments

Trash in the Tri-State: Where does it go?

Since all we have to do is put the garbage out on the curb on the right day of the week, it can be easy to forget where all that garbage might be going. There are two main routes garbage takes after being thrown out: in state or out-of-state. Of course, the most ideal situation [...]

By |April 27th, 2016|Waste Management|0 Comments